On this visit we bought a water filter and a mattress for Chabeli. I had told Don that Chabeli and her children were sleeping on the floor, on top of some old cardboard and he went to the furniture store, all by himself, and bought a box spring and mattress and got them delivered to Chabeli's house.

Here is Chabeli, taking the cardboard that used to be their bed, out of the room
Angelica and Cristina liked the mattress!
Chabeli's children were happy to see we had brought some blankets in our boxes and they asked us if we could give them one. They were very excited when we told them yes.
Some of the presents we had sent in our boxes. Some of the things were new, some were donated by friends and family and some I bought at Goodwill.
On my second visit to Tierra Linda, I brought a mattress for the old lady I had seen a couple of days earlier. She was sleeping on a piece of wood. She really needed a bed but I was not sure if we would be able to transport it to her house. The road was still blocked. Fortunately, we found this man when we were about to start carrying the mattress. It was very heavy and I did not think we were going to be able to get it all the way up. I was with a group of volunteers from Iowa but I did not want them to get hurt by carrying. This man carried it all by himself, without stopping. It turned out to be the son of the old lady so he was happy to do it. I also had a pillow and a sheets. I am hoping to get her a bed as soon as the road gets better.
We bought a water filter for senora Herlinda from Tierra Linda. Her house if falling down. We hope to get her an Onil stove and a mattress soon. We are also hoping to fundraise to help her build a new house in a safer part of town.