Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Visit July 2010

These are some photos of the things we did during our last visit to Mayan Families.  We visited the preschool/feeding center in San Antonio Palopo, a town devastated by Tropical Storm Agatha.  Some of these children lost relatives in the mudslides.  We went with another family that was visiting as well.  They had brought some crafts and we helped the kids with them.  Carlos and Titi loved helping them wash their hands for lunch and then they handed the little kids their food.  For some of them, this is the only food they will have all day.

Titi and I came back another day to give out some of the shoes we brought with us. Titi helped a lot.  First she and the other girl sorted all the shoes in the kitchen area.  We would ask them to give us a certain type of shoe and they will search and give us one that they thought it would fit.  Titi then helped fit shoes.  She did not stop.  I was so proud of her.

I went to visit Lucas, a young man diagnosed with cancer.  We tried to make his life easier.  Mayan Families gave him a new matress and blankets.  We gave him the DVD player we had brought with us.  I went to the market and got him some DVDs and books.  We also bought food for his family and medicine for him.

Titi helped bring some puppies to the Vet.  She loved it!  She was in love with the brown puppy and wanted to bring him home with us.  Carlos and Titi played and loved those cute puppies.